Valeurs CiteScore 2016 maintenant disponibles

Bonjour, "It’s time for a new standard of journal citation impact. Don’t Speculate. Validate. CiteScore™ metrics. We are pleased to announce that the CiteScore 2016 values are now available for more than 22,600 serial titles on Scopus. In addition, a number of improvements based on user feedback have been incorporated since CiteScore™ metrics were first … Lire la suite de Valeurs CiteScore 2016 maintenant disponibles

Nouveautés dans Scopus

Bonjour, "March has been an especially busy month for Scopus and to complete the month, we’ve introduced the following changes: The spine now opens as an overlay, rather than moving the body of the page The ability to link to research datasets The ability to find documents based on funding acknowledgement text More CiteScore transparency" … Lire la suite de Nouveautés dans Scopus

Scopus ajoute une mesure d’impact des publications à sa base

Scopus adds Impact per Publication to its growing portfolio of journal metrics. We are excited to announce a new journal metric in Scopus: Impact per Publication (IPP). IPP measures the ratio of citations per article published. It provides you with an additional metric for comparing and evaluating journals to help you confidently know where to … Lire la suite de Scopus ajoute une mesure d’impact des publications à sa base

Annulation de la « Natural Sciences Collection » de ProQuest

Bonjour, Nous avons annulé notre abonnement aux trois répertoires de ProQuest suivants : Biological Sciences, Aquatic Science & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management. Les titres ont été retirés de MetaLib. Bonne journée ! Adèle