Mettre à profit votre collection grâce à ScienceDirect Topics

Now that you have seen ScienceDirect Topics, the latest enhancement that enables a more efficient workflow for your users, we thought you might be interested to learn more about what this means for you as a librarian. Using cutting-edge technology, ScienceDirect Topics provides a necessary bridge between journals and books to speed research and foster … Lire la suite de Mettre à profit votre collection grâce à ScienceDirect Topics

ScienceDirect : Un article facile à lire sur un appareil mobile ?

Dear ScienceDirect User, Reading articles on your mobile device just got better with the new and improved ScienceDirect mobile article. Designed for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, and in collaboration with researchers and librarians, our new, improved mobile interface vastly improves reading an article on a mobile device. Reading a ScienceDirect article on your … Lire la suite de ScienceDirect : Un article facile à lire sur un appareil mobile ?

Interruption de service prévue pour Elsevier

Bonjour, Il y aura une interruption de service pour ScienceDirect et Scopus ce samedi le 20 juillet 2013 de 19h à 19h30. "ScienceDirect and Scopus will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance from Saturday, July 20 at 7:00 PM EDT (12:00 MIDNIGHT BST) until Saturday, July 20 at 7:30 PM EDT (12:30 AM BST). It … Lire la suite de Interruption de service prévue pour Elsevier

Mise à jour de ScienceDirect et Scopus

Bonjour, Il y a eu une mise à jour la fin de semaine passée pour ScienceDirect et Scopus : "Over the weekend, upgrades were made to our flagship products. ScienceDirect users will experience faster article load times as a result of a new rapid article rendering process. Scopus now delivers a cleaner, less cluttered Results … Lire la suite de Mise à jour de ScienceDirect et Scopus